Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sweet Relief

Finally something to be excited about...we haven't had much to 'yahoo' about lately. The x-rays from yesterday came back and dad was able to say goodbye to his neck brace. Eight solid weeks in a neck brace would drive anyone crazy, so we are thankful he's able to get some relief. I've never been so excited to see a neck in my life...but it will take some time to build up those muscles since they've been idle for so long. So big excitement that he can turn his head...even though right now it feels like he's balancing a watermelon on a pencil.

But of course, just when something is removed or reduced... something else is inserted or connected. And so it goes. He is having a procedure tomorrow to have a tube inserted in his neck/chest to allow a more permanent entry for the dialysis. We won't know for awhile how permanent the dialysis will be, it may be for a month, it may be for the rest of his life. Until they figure out what the deal is with his kidneys, we won't know for sure. They've gotten five liters of fluid out of him so far, so that's reduced some of the swelling. I know, pretty gross...but hey, sometimes life is gross...

He was off of the respirator four different times today, three hours each time. Hmmm...this sounds familiar...have we done this before? Ah, yes. Weening. I remember it well...

Thank God for a mostly positive day. It seemed we had set up camp in the valley for so long, it just feels good to start climbing back up again. It feels good to see a little progress. It feels good to see spirits lifted. It feels good to laugh again. But more important than what we feel any given day is the fact that God continues to orchestrate this ordeal with perfect precision. He knows what He's doing...He knows the desires of our hearts...He knows dad right down to the number of hairs in his grey, poofy mustache.

He knows us well. He knows what we can handle. And that is such sweet relief.


Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo- Baby Steps, my friends, Baby Steps - Happy You're on the Upswing!!

Shelly Grade

Anonymous said...

It's really cold out today - zero, but my heart is warm with the sunny report and some measurable progress!! Praise God "Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Can affliction or anguish or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?....No in all these things we are more than victorious through HIM who loved us" Rom 8:35 Father God, please warm the hearts of the Bohrman family with the YOUR strength, joy, mercy and love. And please allow the dialysis to reduce the fluid build up in Pat so that we can see more positive progress. Thank you, Amy for so diligently keeping us informed, and Jeannie we love all you Bohrmans, so our heartfelt prayer is for encouragement and hope today. Amen

Anonymous said...

Praise You, God, for healing. Please, Father, provide healing because You promised to do so. "I have heard your prayers and seen your tears: I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

Anonymous said...

My Brian prayed for Bohrman at dinner last night. He said: "...and please make Bohrman lots and lots and lots better really, really, really soon. Not tonight, not tomorrow night, but the next night at dinner time."

So, I'm waiting to see what dinner time on Thursday has in store for Bohrman :)


Anonymous said...

What great news, glad to hear the neck brace is off and it sounds like the breathing is on the up swing. Thank you for the reports, Mark and I have updates every night and lift you all in prayer.
I am the Lord who heals you.
Exodus 15:26
God Bless
Jackie Bednarski

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for even more good news tomorrow.