Monday, January 15, 2007

Hey, Where's My Pina Colada?

This journey we're on with Pops reminds me of being on a ship at sea...not because of the beautiful views or tropical weather...but because we tend to get a little seasick. You ride up one big wave...then come crashing down the other side. It's contantly up, then down, up, then down...just like a cruise...minus the pina coladas and the rockin' tan.

All that to say, after a pretty good day yesterday, Pops had a crummy night. He suffered from AD (a term which I can't pronounce let alone spell) where his blood pressure rose pretty drastically. This AD is common with spinal cord injury, and it has to do with the spinal cord raising the blood pressure as a way to alert the body that something is wrong. They were able to stabilize him and he was fine today, but most of the day was spent trying to figure out what is wrong. The spinal cord could be reacting to anything from an infection to a hangnail...and at this point they can't seem to figure it out. His day was normal, he still went to therapy and was himself, it's just a matter of figuring out what's going on in that body of his.

So on top of the anxiety that he already has, I can imagine it will be worse after last night's episode. It was obviously a little traumatic for Pops to have some heart trouble, so we continue to pray that his anxiety would be under control. He's on meds which seems to help...but it's hard to do rehab and keep on truckin' when he's either too anxious or too tired. He's aware of all that's going on, but it's just plain frustrating to get it all under control.

So more prayers that we would all understand what God is trying to teach us at this point...I'm sure it has something to do with peace/trust/letting go. And pray especially for Pops, that he would have a peace that transends all understanding. The ups and downs are bumpy but would all be worse if we didn't share the love of Christ.

After all, God is the ultimate Dramamine.


Anonymous said...

Ames, It is so special that you continue to write each day, when I know some days are just plain darn hard. You know that we are all riding these waves with you. OinK
P.S. Erin is visiting from SF and we were remembering when you held her under water, with a look on your little innocent face that said, Hey! I'm not doing anything (: I think you two were about 4 and 5. Such happy memories!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping everyone posted. I appreciate reading the daily updates.

Anonymous said...

With all the waves it sounds like you need a surf board.

We pray that God is your surf board and you all hang 10.

Anonymous said...

"God is for you. Turn to the sidelines; that's God cheering your run. Look to the finish line; that's God applauding your steps. Listen for Him in the bleachers, shouting your name. Too tired to continue? He'll carry you. Too discouraged to fight? He's picking you up. God is for you."
Max Lucado

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:18

Father God, we ask humbly for healing an complete balance physically and chemically in Pat's body. Jesus you are the great physician. You totally understand what this earthly body is like. You understand what Pat is going through. Holy Spirit, please bring love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-contol to Pat and the family. The waves are high, unrelenting at times. Please bring a remedy to settle and satisfy the urgent needs. Jesus, please sing words of love over the Bohrman family as they sleep and rest in your care.
linda lentz

Anonymous said...

A Chilly Hello from Texas! Man, my blood has thinned because I can't get my feet or hands to warm up around here--ha! We are sending TX size hugs and kisses your way. You all continue to be in our nightly prayers. Your family's undivided love and devotion to your dad and your incredible faith in Christ is a source of unending strength for him and a beautiful gift for us to witness. We love you and are with you in spirit. K,J,P,M,S,C

Anonymous said...

It is written in YOUR word that Jesus himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses 1 Pet 2:24
Therefore, with great boldness and confidence I pray on authority of the written Word that Pat be healed of all fear and anxiety; that the Word abides in Pat, providing medication and life to his flesh. For the law of the spirit operates in Pat and makes him free from the law of sin and death. I pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen

Anonymous said...

We hope you family members are doing well. It is as difficult on you as it is for Pat. I know he wouldn't want you to worry about him.

Anonymous said...

good thing bohr has such enormous heart. a lesser man with lesser faith would have less hope, less joy, less determination. you kids are chips off two (very) mighty, (not really that old) old blocks, and that has never been more evident than in this past month. faith is easy when it's not tested; courage seems impossible until you're forced to find it in yourself... our love and prayers heaped on all you bohrmans

Anonymous said...

ps---if any of you (except becks) are in the need of a pina colada and a little break, c'mon out to stone bank and we'll see what we can do. never made one, but we'll try.

Anonymous said...

ps---if any of you (except becks) are in the need of a pina colada and a little break, c'mon out to stone bank and we'll see what we can do. never made one, but we'll try.