Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Better Day

Today was a better day.

Dad remains in the ICU and is still tired and weak, but they seem to have found a secondary infection in his lungs which is most likely the cause of all the swelling. They started him on a new antibiotic tonight which should take care of this specific infection, and we'll see if the swelling decreases tomorrow. He is also starting to be weened off of the respirator again, and seems to be doing okay with it. He moved forward today. It may have only been an inch, but what matters is that he moved forward.

Today was a better day.

Even more encouraging was a brief but precious conversation shared between mom and dad...one that's just meant to be between the two of them. But there was something that dad said to mom that was so clearly an answer to prayer, it was as if God was saying, "I know how bad yesterday was. I was there with you. I know your pain. I feel it with you. But I AM in this. I AM working. Even when you don't see it." Such a clear feeling of being comforted by God...almost unexplainable. I just shake my head in awe of a God that knows us so well, knows what we need, knows how to comfort us at a time when we are desperate for comfort.

God is so good. Today was a better day only because of Him. And yesterday was a day of fear and worry only because I took my eyes off of Him...I forgot who He was and what He has done. We thank God tonight for how He is working in dad even when we can't see it...and for His promise of peace amidst the muddy chaos. To God be the glory.


Anonymous said...

Dear Bohrmans,
I am soooo thankful that Pat had a better day yesterday. I, too was in anguish over the mud posting; fearful, upset, angry. But, I also know in my heart that God is in control, it is just my mind that sometimes cannot wrap around HIS sovereignty. So, I pray today there will be more measurable progress & strengthening and the infection and inflammation will continue to be healed. Also, I pray this morning God will be your Fortress, a mighty tower in times of trouble.

Anonymous said...

And we pray that tomorrow will be an even better day for Pat and all of the Bohrmans. Lindy Hauber

Anonymous said...

Kurt and I have not missed a blog. We ache and pray for your family. We can only imagine how surreal and difficult this is for all of you.
Thank you for sharing this with us and being so open and honest about your challenges and those of your Dad. I am sure it is both therapuetic and one of the hardest things you have ever done, all at the same time.
I am struck by your words in so many ways...you, your Dad and your family are reaching so many people and making such a difference in the lives and faith of so many. You are not as helpess as you may feel and neither is your Dad. On those days you feel angry and stuck we hope you all can find some comfort in that fact that your words are so powerful and God's message and his love for us all is working through you. If something good can be found from the accident it is this: Your message of love, faith, frustration and courage matters. Your Mom and Dad's messages, your family's journey would not have reached us if this had not occured. Your faith testement is an inspiration even on the muddy, sucky days.

Kurt and Kathie Bergen

Anonymous said...

Amy, thank you for your faithfulness to write every day, almost. Your writings are so encouraging even in the midst of such pain b/c you are so open, honest, transparent and giving God the glory. We read the blogs every day and pray, pray, pray. Marie N.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy,
Your faith totally inspires me, but it doesn't surpise me. I have a vivid memory of riding with you in your family's woody station wagon when we were little, and your Mom had a Christian station tuned in on the radio. And I also remember the times we couldn't play because you had Bible study. Just a few examples of where your faith came from and it's great to see it's going strong! I'm thinking about you and praying for you and your family.
Love, Wally