Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Dad remains about the same as yesterday. The anitbiotics he was given to fight the lung infection haven't reduced his swelling very much, if only a tiny bit. A doctor was in today to check out his kidneys to make sure they are doing what they should, and they seem to be okay. So there's still a question as to why he is retaining so much fluid. It's frustrating because with the fluid buildup he really can't move that right arm very well, so he's losing some muscle. Overall, he's very tired most of the time and sleeps a lot during the day. So for now he continues to be in the ICU, and we're not sure when he'll be ready for going back to the spinal cord unit.

Mom is doing okay...when she's not dealing with dad and his therapy, she's dealing with the headache of insurance/worker's comp/disability so it gets to be a lot of if she needs anything else to think about. But a visit from an old buddy today was very good for her soul...

Somedays, there's nothing more healing than a good cry, other days, it's a good laugh. We got a card tonight that I just have to share because it gave us a good laugh...

Sometimes life hands you lemons, but then you can make lemonade.

Of course, sometimes life pulls down your pants, runs a power sander across your naked butt, then pours lemon juice on your raw, abraded buttocks. In that case, a cool citrus drink wouldn't really help, but darn it...hang in there anyway.

A little silliness is refreshing amidst the stress. Thanks Julie...definitely a card that Pops would appreciate...

We pray tonight that dad would continue to hang in there, that God would be working in him even if we can't see the progress, and that tomorrow he'll be one step closer to being healthy. May God give us a 'lemonade' kind of day...not a 'power sander on raw bum' kind of day...either way, we give Him praise...


Anonymous said...

From one who's had a ridiculous power sander...and only my family knows...stuff does get better :))
Get thru it Patrick!!!
We pray you realize the other side of what you are going will take some time...
Prayers for the sweethearts who are loving you thru it too...
We love you, Bohr...
Pol and Stephen

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike and family - just wanted to say we're still thinking of you all and pray for a great recovery. You have too much fight in you we know things will get better (Mike had to get it from someone!:)

Charlie and Janae Stern