Monday, January 1, 2007

New Year's Day

Well, guess what? Nothing much has changed. I sort of laugh as I remind myself, yet again, to get used to this slow progress. This next week or so will be focused on weening him from the ventilator, because until that happens, he can't do any serious physical therapy. He was off the ventilator for two and a half hours for at least twice today. They probably did the same tonight. This is great news, as that's an hour more each time than yesterday. As long as he does well with it, they will gradually increase the time until he is off completely. His body has been at rest since the accident, so just the act of using his lungs for a few hours completely exhausts him. To us who breathe without thinking, it seems so easy, so effortless. But for his body, it is a lot of work. He doesn't struggle to do it, but as soon as he's back on the respirator he falls asleep. They basically want all of his energy to go towards breathing, because therapy will be limited until he can be in a wheelchair and not confined to his room.

The first thing dad said to me today was "scissors". (And know that every time I say "dad said" I mean dad mouthed it and we read his lips.) I was confused, frustrated, and clearly convinced he was going crazy. I asked why scissors and he said, "I need a haircut". As I looked at his shaggy hair, I had to question how this man that can't feel 87% of his body, and hasn't seen a mirror in a long time, somehow knows that he needs a haircut. Funny how the mind works.

I feel like we are in the hardest part of it right now, he's frustrated, we're frustrated. But I have to believe there is a reason God wants him immobile right now. He is such a mover...always needing to putz...never sitting still. As hard as it is to see him like this, I have to believe that dad is right where God wants him. Many of us know dad as the funny, sweet man that of course he is...but he can also be very stubborn, and I hope and pray that God is working in his heart as we speak. When we are taken through times of crisis, I know that God, with surgical precision, is carving out the things in our hearts that keep us from Him. We are all being changed...our faith is being refined...our roots are digging deeper. We pray for open hearts and minds... dad's, mom's, all of ours.

Thanks for all the prayers. You have no idea how reassuring it is to know that when we fail...when we falter...there are still people out there praying for dad and the family. Today is a day we so desperately need it. So thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, LORD that Pat is showing progress in his breathing, and is able to mouth words that the family can understand. Please allow continued measurable progress to take place. I ask that YOU continue to provide encouragement through YOUR living waters to the Bohrmans, refresh and strengthen them daily. YOUR word is a safe place where we take refuge. "HE will stand and shepherd them in the strength of the LORD, in the majestic name of the LORD his God. They will live securely, for at that time HIS greatness will extend to the ends of the earth" Micah 5:4 Yes, we take so much for granted and it is amazing that our bodies work for any of us - considering all that can go wrong! But that is the amazing power of the ONE who created us and loves us immeasurably. Take heart Bohrmans, for we are with you in the battle and I pray for refreshment in HIS living waters of life. Our souls thirst for YOU, and we need YOUR glorious joy to flood us now as never before.
Love this day<><

Anonymous said...

off to work.......had to check this site first,though. absolutely praying for all. all bohrmans, all staff, all of pat's being. ALL ALL ALL!! and for ALL the 'ALLS' that are 'unspoken' i love you guys. arch

Anonymous said...

Bohrman's ~

Just wanted you to know we are holding you up in prayer daily. Having been through this, we feel your every heartache, fear, frustration, anger, doubt, and sometimes hopelessness. It has been in those most vulnerable states that God has been able to do his greatest work in our hearts. Hang in there. Hugging you all right now.

Schaefs & JuddButt

Anonymous said...

Happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to deal with it.
A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. Psalm 34:19

May the "joy" of the Lord be your strength.

Praying for all of you today.
linda lentz

Sue Johnson said...

Amy, Jeannie, and family,

Please know that we are continuing to pray for Pat and that we lift all of you up in prayer on an ongoing basis. We know the progress may be slow and discouraging at times, but Pat has come a long way already! We pray for God's healing touch on Pat's mind and body--- and yours as well, as I know it is draining on all of you. Wish we could be there to help!

Sue and Dan

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeannie for telling me of this site. I want you and your family to know that I am praying for Pat and all of you each day. It will be a long recovery but he will, recover. Take care of you and your family,