Thursday, January 4, 2007

High Voltage

Thank God for another somewhat uneventful but positive day. Dad was off the respirator for five and a half hours twice today. Tomorrow their goal is for him to breathe on his own for a continuous twelve hours. Great progress for dad, but the breathing is completely exhausting for him. He slept most of the day today. It's still best for him to not have visitors...he just too wiped out. It's amazing what energy it takes for him to simply breathe...hard to imagine. So praise God for continued success in this area.

He also got a new power chair today, the one that he will have for the duration of his hospital stay. It's supposedly much better than the one he had's eyes lit up as the nurses were discussing its power and voltage...but why wouldn't's all about the power, baby...

Another positive today was that dad moved to a new room...right across the hall. It is much larger, much sunnier, and has a direct view of some major hospital construction (ie. cranes, front end loaders, and other miscellaneous large machines that dad is sure to enjoy). Mom is just happy to see the sun! In the spinal cord unit, one side of the hallway is for acute patients, and the other is for rehab patients. So dad is officially now a rehab patient...meaning the process of getting his body moving will be starting soon. He will be having his first rehab therapy tomorrow...granted he can stay awake for it. This is all great news as it is forward progress...what else could we ask for? This also means he will really be getting a clear idea of his limitations, and he'll probably be getting frustrated a lot in the weeks to come. All to be expected with the severity of his injury.

We continue to lift his mind and body up in prayer. And we thank God for the continued peace and joy that we have...for the gift of another positive day. What a blessing.

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