Friday, January 26, 2007

Day 49

Dad's accident was seven weeks ago today. Hard to believe. Even harder to believe that only two weeks ago he was progressing, moving fingers, breathing alone, making us laugh, moving forward. There was lots of hope. He's now in the worst condition he's been in since it happened. It's hard to feel the hope anymore. It's been a bad week.

He had two procedures done today. One was to insert a central line into his shoulder which will better monitor what's going on inside. This will hopefully give doctors a better idea of why his kidneys aren't working as they should. The other procedure was to have a tube inserted so they could do the dialysis, which started this evening and takes about two hours. The expected outcome would be to filter the blood in his system to get his white blood cells down and hopefully allow his kidneys to function better. He is on a lot of pain medication, so of course he's very sleepy. Still retaining a lot of fluid, still dependent on the respirator, still incredibly weak.

Why such a downward spiral? I don't know. Why such promise of healing and strengthening, only to lose all that was gained? I don't know. Why so much pain, suffering, frustration? I don't know.

The more time that passes, the less we know and the weaker we become. But I think that's where God wants us...completely helpless and dependent on Him. The absolute only thing we are clinging to right now is the promise that God knows exactly what He's doing, that He's not scratching his head wondering why dad's health is worsening. We are powerless and have only Him to hang on to...which I know is what He wants of us. Maybe He wants to deal with us before He deals with the storm that surrounds us. I don't know. All we can do is pray and wait.

God, give us strength while we wait, give us hope when we're hopeless, and give us peace to know You will make something beautiful out of the suffering. If it is Your will, give us a miracle. Pops is in Your hands.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,
The Bohrmans are hurting inside. Please help them to feel the comfort of YOUR constant presence as YOU watch over their adversity. Please bless them with the patience they need to guide and uphold them through the darkness. Surround them with peace, hope and strength; until they can feel the light of YOUR healing and compassion breaking through the clouds. Please softly enfold them with YOUR all encompassing love. Help them especially, LORD to dwell on whatever is honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable. Phil 4:8 Amen
In Christ<><

Tkh said...

Oh Bohrmans,

It is at times like this that I fumble and have nothing to say to make it better. There are words from my heart, but they remain empty. So, can I tell you about something that recently happened to me? (I realize you don't have a choice in this exchange here - so thank you, yes I will tell you!)

Yesterday I had the saddest day of my life so far. I had to tell my Dad, who is bed confined and trapped inside a dying body with Parkinson’s, that we were putting him in a facility. My Mom told me she couldn't do it, my siblings weren't there, and honestly I don't know that if they were there that they would have or could have done it. The youngest sibling (me) didn't want to do it but had to chose to do it.

God is so good. I had no idea that nine years ago, through some very tough circumstances he would move this Midwestern girl to Alabama! Years later He would move my Mom and Dad here for their final years. He foreknew that I would be alone in telling my Dad one of the things that he feared the most throughout his life. He knew that I would take this one for all of the family. He knew it all, but I didn't.

I don't know how to continue this story without saying that this definitely is not about my pride, and I admit I do have some at times, but as the tears and sobs came after that ambulance pulled away from the home that my Daddy loved here in Alabama, to take him a-far-60-miles away to a VA facility, God ever so clearly showed me how much more His Son did for me and all of us. If you have been paying attention, you all have heard it here on this blog before. I think it bears repeating, especially at a time like this when my sweet friend Bohr and his family seem to be suffering so much.

When Jesus died, he took ALL of our sin. And He took so much more. For all of those who ever lived and who ever will live...he took the result of their sin too. He took all of the pain, frustration, sorrow, fear, discouragement, anger and suffering that come as a result of sin. By no comparison, he took the pain that I was feeling yesterday and He took all of the pain and sorrow the Bohrman's are feeling right now. He took the pain of an accident that caused Bohr to be paralyzed and have messed up kidneys right now. He took our weeping and He took our tears. I myself have only known this truth for a short fifteen years, but after yesterday, I know it today like never before.

After Jesus died, He was raised from that death, and He lives, He REALLY lives, to continue to tell the story. Now that is POWER! You can't compare THAT power to a jeep pulling something stuck in the mud or even a space shuttle taking off from earth to hurl towards the heavens. And Jesus didn't waiver! He chose to do it all for us so that we would have a way to be free. Not just free from an eternal separation from Him but free from the stuff on earth that so easily bogs us down; free from the sin that so easily entangles us all.

Yesterday, my initial tears were tears of release for the sorrow and angst of telling a man I love, my Dad on this earth, words I knew he didn't want to hear. They were also tears of release from having to be the strong one. Believe me when I say I didn't feel very strong and I was counting on God to provide for me at that moment.

When later God showed me what he showed me, those tears turned to tears and deep sorrow for those who don't know what Jesus did for them. I cried off and on for hours. Today I feel the same sorrow. All anyone who doesn't know of the freedom I am speaking about in a real way needs to do is tell God in your heart of hearts that you accept the free gift of His Son Jesus. You only need to give up the control you might feel you have over your own life to Him then He will do the rest.

So, from a friend who loves Bohrman/Bohr/Ocean Bob, etc (and I cherish the day that I met that sweet silly man) to those who know a sweet precious father and devoted husband named Patrick J. Bohrman, you all have a part of my heart at this time (and even that feels so empty). With so much Love, To God Be the Glory! Hubbell

P.S. It seems I always have a p.s. I put this story in a Word document first (for spell check, etc) and I asked my sweet devoted husband Andy to read it first before I would send it on to this blog. He said like Eeyore would say to Pooh, “how long is it?” I just laughed. After he read the first sentence, he shouted to me from the dining room, ”you said you have nothing to say but you’ve written a page and a half!” So true. And, hey, did you guys know that when you spell check Bohrman it comes up under suggestions as Bohemian?

Anonymous said...

God please give the Bohrmans the strength they need to help Pat through this difficult time.

God also please give Pat's Doctors the wisdom they need to help Pat on the road to recovery.

Anonymous said...

Please know that there are a "gazillion" folks that are praying and sending positive thoughts your way. I know there are many who read your blog everyday, but are too shy or just don't know what to say....or how to say it. Our hearts hurt for you....let's hope the doctors can get Pat back on the road to recovery. Hugs to all of you....

Brandon said...

I praise God for the faith he has given you. I am so thankful that God has shown Himself faithful for generation and genration so that when we are in the storm we don't have to trust our feelings or our minds, but to trust the One who made us. We are praying for you. Brandon and Missy

Anonymous said...

I'm really sad and so very sorry that things don't seem to be improving right now. There are no words to ease this for you, my dear friends. Just know that fervent prayers continue...many, many times a day. I love you, O.K.

Anonymous said...

We are an Azusa Pacific University family. We read your blog every day and are praying daily for Pat and your family.