Thursday, January 25, 2007

Plug in the Power Sander

For reasons yet unknown, God wants dad to stay in the ICU a little while longer. It turns out that his kidneys are not working as they should, which is most likely the reason for the fluid retention. The doctors want to do a kidney dialysis but they need to wait until his potassium levels go down. So he remains pretty swollen and very weak. The lung infection still seems to be raging as they wait for the new antibiotics to kick in. His secretions seem to have lessened so hopefully the pneumonia is on its way out. So much going on in his poor body. It's sometimes hard to believe what's it's been through...he's got a long, long way to go...

He is having trouble breathing on his own, as it takes more energy than usual. His therapist said that all the excess fluid makes breathing more difficult, which is probably why dad has been requesting to be on the respirator rather than breathe on his own. He is breathing on his own at times, but only for a few hours. He continues to be exhausted, sleeping a lot, and asking for no visitors. He's amazed at how hard he's having to work...simply to breathe.

There are a few good things among the seemingly large abundance of bad things...his heart rate is good, his oxygen levels are good, and he seems to have peace. Mom always prays with him before she leaves the hospital for the night, and in the confusion tonight she forgot. He right away stopped her and mouthed, "Hey, we didn't pray!" We are so thankful that amidst all of the complications, he still has peace. An answer to many prayers.

Our days are filled with questions, most of which have no answers....yet. Why? When? How long? How much? Why now? Why him? All questions we'd love some answers to...God doesn't promise immediate answers...but He does promise peace. And we pray tonight that His peace would overflow...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, we are continuing to pray every day.

Thank you for your correspondence that you do every day.

It has allowed us to know what to pray for.

Sue Johnson said...


Our hearts break when we think of all that Pat and your family have been through.

My prayer is that you will KNOW and FEEL God's presence in the midst of this, because, as you stated a few blogs ago, He IS there and DOES feel your pain and sometimes He just asks us to trust Him even when we can't figure out how or what or why these things are happening.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified..., for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deut. 31:6

Sue, Dan, and Collin

Anonymous said...

A peace that surpasses all understanding, and for continued patience amidst this tremendous trial; that is what I continue to pray for all the Bohrman family. I also pray that the swelling would go down and that any inflammation would not be present to cause problems. Amy, you have been so transparent with your faithful blogs... thank you. You are an inspiration and encouragement to all of us! My heartfelt prayers to be clothed in HIS righteousness be yours today. Isaiah 61:10

Anonymous said...

You guys have been on my mind and my heart all day. Hope something positive, no matter how tiny, happened for you today.


Anonymous said...

I see how amazing our God is in the faith displayed in what you write. I am praying right now for your Dad and for you and your whole family.
Hang In There,
Erica Choi