Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A Few Words...

Today was an overall good day. Mom took a day off from the hospital for the first time since the accident, mostly by force because she was sick, but we all agree it was a good thing. It was important for her to realize that it's okay to take a day off, that he's being well cared for. And it's probably also good for dad to realize how good he has it when mom is there! For any married couple to spend 25 solid days together...8 to 10 hours per day...now that's just crazy talk. Pretty soon, everyone needs a breather...

Speaking of a breather, dad was off the respirator three different times today for three hours each time...a half hour improvement per session from yesterday. Yahoo! Slow but steady progress. As long as it continues to be a success...he'll be respirator-free in the next week or so. Another yahoo!

Dad's big moment today came when he was able to talk for a few moments in between being taken off the respirator. It's way to complicated to explain how, something about air pockets and timing the breath so it hits the vocal cords...but he was able to carefully figure out how to get his voice out and say some words! It was very exciting for him as he has not heard his own voice since he "woke-up" and I imagine he was starting to wonder if he ever would. It took some practice but he was able to do it for me when they put him back on the respirator this afternoon. It was very cool...more so to see him finally seeing his own progress...we usually see it more than he does. They only let him do it for a short while, because all his energy needs to be focused on breathing, not talking. He was so wiped out he even declined seeing the grandkids...now you know he's really tired when he does that.

We continue to pray for his heart and what he must be learning through all of this. Sometimes I expect more from him than he seems capable of. Like today when he very seriously looked at me and said, "The worst part of all this is....". He paused and repeated, "The worst part of all this is..." He paused again and I prepared myself for some very deep, heart-wrenching realization from him. He finally said it once more; "The worst part of this...is this pillow on my lap...it's soooooo hot!" Sometimes you just have to laugh.

Thank God for dad and the laughter he has always brought to us...and continues to do...


Anonymous said...

stearns.....get rested. amy's right, your pat is in great hands. plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder. :<) love you all. praying praying praying. 'arch klick'.....p.s. awesome news of pat's day yesterday....makes me sooo happy!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Huge praise for our Heavenly Father, for Pat's slow but steady recovery, for all of the Bohrman family, for the doctor's, nurses, and hospital staff, for Rudy who saved Pat's life and is holding down the fort, and for all of your friends, old and new, who are lifting Pat and the Bohrman family up each and every day in prayer.
We praise you Lord and thank you. In Christ's Love, Lindy Hauber

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Many times during the day our computer screen saver will show a photo of yesterdays with your family in it. We say a prayer of thanks, hope, inspiration, healing and peace that only He can provide to your family. Thank you Amy for keeping us up to date.
The Hunter family

Anonymous said...

Thank you today, Lord that we will have some sunshine and moderate temps, seems to somehow lift our spirits. Thank YOU that Pat is showing improvement each and every day by his breathing for longer periods on his own and also by the complicated process of learning to talk. Thank YOU that you are tenderly and graciously watching over the entire Bohrman family. I pray that Jeannie will be quickly healed of any infection and will be able to return to visit Pat soon. Refresh her and allow her rest and renewal with this break. Grant the Bohrman family freedom which only comes through renewing of their minds being filled by YOUR holy spirit. Help them to stay in YOUR word and fill them with YOUR mercy, hope & grace. Give them an extra measure of YOUR abundant peace today, Lord. And thank you, Amy for so attentively informing us of Pat's ongoing progress. We feel priviledged to be able to lift your whole family up in prayer to our loving Father.
"Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing; YOU hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance" Psm 16:5-6
Father, encourage the Bohrman family with assurance of YOUR beautiful inheritance. AMEN
Love in Christ<><

Anonymous said...

Thank God for baby steps, for laughter, for rest for Jean, and again for letting us be a part of all of this. We love you and continue to pray for strength and comfort and growth. God bless you. Love, the Andrus family

Anonymous said...

I have read Pat's blog almost every day since the accident. It has caused me to shed a few tears, say a few prayers for him and all his loving family, make me stop and think how luck we all are and not take things for granted.
I'm always greatful to see the slow but steady progress and I send my thoughts and prayers to the Bohrman family.Hope to see you soon.
Get well , Jim Ruppenthal

Anonymous said...

Dear Bohrman Family,

You all are in my prayers. Much love to all you guys!
God Bless.

Jackie Haas

Anonymous said...

"I suggest a new watchword for our times. ENCOURAGEMENT ! Shout it out. Pass it around."
Chuck Swindoll
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

What A Friend We Have In Jesus Hymn

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.

In prayer, linda lentz