Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Batteries

Overall, a much better day for Pops. The meds are taking care of the ear infection, and although he was tired today, he didn't seem to be in pain. He was in better spirits, and had some good therapy sessions. One of his therapists was working with him on picking up plastic cups and stacking them on top of one another. She was very happy with the little improvement she saw in the dexterity on his right side. Even in the short time span of today's session she saw an increase in his ability to work with his fingers. They still have a ways to go, but when therapists are happy, we're all happy.

Dad was amazed at the amount of work it took for him to do such a simple task...just picking up and stacking. It wore him out to the point of needing a three hour nap. He mentioned to mom that he just "wants to be normal" shocks him to see how such simple tasks completely exhaust him, and how emotionally draining it is. To be expected from a man that used to never stop moving and had somewhat endless energy. Cole made a good observation today when he said, "Looks like Bapa needs some new batteries." Too funny...if only it were that simple...

More good news is that he was off the respirator all last night for the first time. Yahoo! If tonight is another success he may have seen the last of that darned machine. Imagine how freeing that will be...not to mention how annoying it must be to constantly hear that Darth Vader-ish sound next to your head 24 hours a day for the last month. So big prayers tonight that all goes well with his breathing.

The doctors told us dad will be going home in his power chair...not the best news as we all would have hoped he had the ability to work a manual wheelchair. But because of the weakness in his left arm, it looks like the Storm will be his chair for good...for now. We continue to pray that there would be more healing, but we also pray that God's will be done. I know that's always my struggle....trying to fit God into my plan. Thankfully, His plan always kicks my plan's butt...even if we can't see how...yet. But we have faith that in time...this will all make perfect sense.

Thanks for the prayers...and thanks for coming to see dad. Just please remember...short and sweet, people...short and sweet....just like our Pops...


Anonymous said...

Praise God that the ear infection seems to be clearing, and that Pat had a pretty good day today. And also thanks Father, that the Drs. are even talking about going home -even if it is with a power chair. I continue to pray for healing and measured progress daily. This will be a battle on every front - physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological - and I know for myself with my MS - I constantly have to remind myself and be thankful for what I can do and not what I can't. Please know that we also are with you in the battle and are thankful for the progress so far!! And with your awesome family and support we will make it through with God's almighty mercy and grace. Rest well, dear Pat in HIS loving arms.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are answered as Pat is breathing (for the most part) on his own. Praise God! Sounds like therapy is going well - with progress being seen daily. How are his early morning wee-hours going? In need of more prayer for good sleep and no fear if awake at 3:00 a.m.?

Sounds like the doctors are doing their job and taking good care of Pat and preparing you for the road ahead i.e. going home (for now) in a power chair. We do thank God for doctor's wisdom and knowledge; but we are even more thankful that God is the only one who really knows and who is in control - so we will just stay tuned to see God's plan for Pat!

Holding you up in prayer...The Halls

Anonymous said...

Your dad looks great Amy!! Thanks for the pictures. I will remember to pray for ya'll tonight, especially. It's exciting to hear that your dad's going home--even if it's with the wheely bopper!! Lu

Anonymous said...

We are glad to see the progress Pat has been making. Thank you Amy for the wonderful blogs, very inspiring. We read the blog everyday to make sure we don't miss out on any of the baby steps he makes. We continue to pray for the Bohrman family.

Anonymous said...

Bohrman Family,
Pat is looking good under the circumstances. We will continue to keep the Bohrman family in our daily prayers. We thank you for this blog to keep us updated on Pat's progress. We thank you for your strong faith and inspiring entries about Pat's progress. God is amazing how he works through people and makes it work out for the good! God's blessings to you all, Wackett Family (from ABC)

Anonymous said...

Good case senario: Pat coming "home" to Forrest Drive. We picture him in a motorized wheelchair buzzing up the street with 3 grandbabies on his lap and a neighbor kid or two "surfing" behind him on roller blades. Oh yeah, at least 4 dogs chasing them! Better case senario: Pat driving his antique firetruck with grandbabies and neighbor kids in tow. Best case senario: Pat is coming home to Forrest Drive driving whatever!! Thank you God for keeping him here with his family and all of us. Bohrmans, your family remains in our daily prayers.
P.S. OT's love those cone stacking activities...May even have a few lying around here....
The Hunters