Friday, January 5, 2007

Late Friday Night

Sorry for the comment problems...should be good to go now.

Just a quick Pops update. He was off the ventilator today for about 10 hours continuously...awesome. For the next few days he will breathe on his own for most the day, and then they will begin to ween him off at night. Good progress we are told.

He had a lot of assessments done today by many different therapists....they did some tests to see what feeling he has and where. We won't get the official reports from these tests until Tuesday when we meet with his doctors. So we pray that everything went well.

He got to go to the spinal cord gym today, which was big for him. It's easy to forget that he's been lying in bed in a hospital room for the past four weeks, without so much as seeing the hallway. So to go to the gym was a big move. Big enough that he started to feel nauseous, which apparently is normal. His injury has the same effect on his brain as a concussion, so he seems to feel nauseous when he moves around a lot. Other than that, mom said that anytime he wasn't being poked or prodded, he was asleep. We will know a lot more on Tuesday about his future at Froedtert and how long his rehab is expected to last. Until then we continue to pray for his healing...especially that he would have strength to really start working hard...and that he would sleep well tonight so he's not so tired tomorrow. God bless and have a good night.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Glad the site is fixed. I was wanting to write more to you all and the comments were rejected. Whew, now I feel connected to you all again. What wonderful news about today. Sounds like excellent progress. Amy, it is so great that you are there for your Dad and Mom. You have a very special role. We are all thankful that you have the time and energy to walk daily through this and share with all of us. Bless you. Hope you and your Mom are resting while your Dad does. Prayers for strength and encouragement for all of you.
linda lentz

Anonymous said...

Just checking in.

Thanks for the repair to the comment section.

We continue to pray for all to go well for all of the Bohrmans.

Anonymous said...

Ames, you're beautiful..."dad may in fact be a dragon"....
check your email...just wrote you of a great remembrance of your dad...
onward and upward...
aunt p

Anonymous said...

this is Alexandra Mayr-Doppelbauer writing, I am Carolyn Sonneborn-Mayr´s daughter from Austria and I just wanted to let you know that someone across the lake is praying, hoping, crying and smiling with you. I wish you all a lot of strength and it is just wonderful to see how all of you stick together.

Anonymous said...

Praise God that we are back online again!! I tried on Thurs and Fri but never got through. I finally called Jeannie yesterday to let her know that we had not forgotten and were continuing to lift all of you up in prayer, but were having trouble with the comments.
Scripture promises offer:

When we are the neediest, HE is the most sufficient 2 Cor 12:9

When we are completely helpless, He is the most helpful Isaiah 50:7

When we feel totally dependent, HE is absolutely dependable Psm 46:1

When we are the weakest, HE is the most able Job 5:15-16

When we feel the most alone, HE is intimately present Psm 32:7

When we feel we are the least, HE is the greatest Prov 3:25-26

When it seems the darkest, HE is the only Light we need Psm 27:1

When we feel the least secure,
HE is our Rock and Fortress
Psm 31:3

So I pray today that the sufficiency of our heavenly FATHER will comfort and assure you and that you will lean on the ROCK for your strength and hope. Thank you, LORD that Pat is showing measurable progress and continued healing. Our thoughts and heartfelt prayers continue to be with you.
Jenny & Jake

Unknown said...

Hi all! I am glad to know that ya'll are seeing progress. Thanks for the daily updates.

Anonymous said...

The progress Pat is making is just wonderful and a sign of what we have to look forward too. I cannot believe how his breathing is improving daily - well considering all the prayers - I can believe it. God is definitely at work full time taking care of the Bohrmans.

Reading your blog puts us back twelve years...and we remember the pain and heartbreak - but we remember the victory through prayer and faith.

Keeping everyone in our prayers and thoughts.

The Halls

Sue Johnson said...


I am sending some sunshine your way for all of you-- especially Jeannie!

What a leap Pat has made in his breathing-- that is incredible news! We'll await anxiously the END of the respirator and the "dragon breath"!

We will be praying for you as you await the test results on Tuesday.

Sue, Dan, and Collin

Anonymous said...

Glad the comments are good to go now. Tried to leave this message the other day, after news of Bohr's 'power chair.'

I can just picture him retro-fitting that wheelchair with an after-burner, and organizing wild races around the hospital wing!

We check the blog every day, and thank the Lord for Pat's continued steady progress.

We'll be praying for good news on Tuesday!

Mike & Mary Anne Miller