Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sleepy (but Sunny!) Sunday

It was a very sleepy day for dad...yesterday really wore him out. The encouraging news is that he's been off of the respirator for six days and he's doing well. Woo-hoo! The next step is for him to tolerate having his talking valve in all of the he continues to wear it more and more each day. When he's comfortable with that, they will start capping off the trach a little at a time until he's completely weaned off of it. The reason it takes some time is that he needs to get used to breathing out of his mouth and nose as opposed to the trach in his throat. His voice and breath strength are much weaker now because of the time lost in the ICU, so it will take work to build them back up again. It will also take extra time because of his anxiety with his breathing. It's really up to dad how long this whole process will take...he has been given breathing exercises he must do daily which will strengthen his throat, so if he follows through, the whole trach could be gone in two weeks. That would be crazy awesome, so our prayer is that he is motivated to do the work and has a fighting attitude. Much of his progress is really in his own hands, so we pray, pray, pray for his heart and mind.

We thank God that there are new baby steps to be focused may be slow but there is progress being made. Things that were easily overlooked a beautiful sunset as we left the hospital...are seen with new, more appreciative eyes. What a creator...God's timing continues to be perfect, and His work in our lives continues to be evident. Blessings abound...


Anonymous said...

Dear Bohrmans,

Praise God for small steps and happy times. I can only imagine how important it is to Pat's recovery to be surrounded by his family. You all seem to possess a wonderful balance of faith, humor, love, and possibility. Pat, you are also surrounded by prayer and the love of your many friends and
numerous people who don't know you personally but for whom you are the focus of their prayer life. We pray for all of you but especially Pat's heart and desire to get well. Rehab is so difficult and tiring and painful and the results are sometimes slower than we would like. Keep up the fight Mr. Bohrman, the AWANA kids are cheering you on! God Bless,
Lindy Hauber

Anonymous said...

again, you write so well, amy. nothing is left out. we can all get a grasp due to your tireless efforts which are, i'm sure, very difficult some days. we are still praying, hoping, believing and celebrating with you all.

Anonymous said...

Heavenly Father,
You are a faithful guide. Help us to trust more completely in YOUR boundless love and great wisdom. Please continue to place YOUR healing hand on Pat and strengthen him in his breathing. Retain in him a fighting spirit and steadfast hope. Help us to stay in YOUR truth and engrave YOUR words on our hearts. And Father, please help to encourage the entire Bohrman family. For we ask this in Jesus name. AMEN

Anonymous said...

Are Pat's secretions/'gunk' lessening? Less coughing, etc? We sure hope and pray that all is well with that exhausting stuff!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ames...i've got some warriors in prayer for you all. I am rejoicing at the latest news. It has been quite a journey. Much love to you friend.