Sunday, April 1, 2007

I Am Not Schizophrenic

I'm really not. Nor do I have multiple personalities...but I do realize that my mood seems to change drastically from blog to blog. Though this may leave you feeling a bit of motion sickness, it's a very real representation of how we feel on any given day. Some days are just hard, and when dad isn't doing well, all of our attitudes seem to follow suit. But when he is happy and showing progress, our spirits tend to soar. It truly is a crazy roller coaster of emotion, and even after four months I can't seem to prepare myself for those hard days. Obviously, it's no fun watching someone you love go through suffering, and at times it's a sadness that I can't describe. But the joy we feel on the good's awesome. All that to say, I am not schizophrenic and I do not have a mood least that I am aware of. Ha.

The good news's blog is a happy one. Dad has had a good couple of days, starting with the fact that he officially met his newest grandson, Mikey. Mike and Becky were finally allowed to bring in six-week old Mikey into the hospital to meet his Bapa for the very first time. Mike said it was amazing...I guess Mikey just stared into his Bapa's eyes for the longest time. Apparently Mikey never stares into anyones eyes, so it was pretty special. He even gave dad a couple of goofy smiles, which of course made dad cry. It was a very, very special introduction. Bittersweet a little bit, as Pops is known in some circles as the "baby whisperer" for his uncanny ability with infants. Though he couldn't hold Mikey as I am sure he wanted to, I know it was a very sweet time for him and dad couldn't stop smiling. Very cool.

Dad also got another real shower...the second in four months so you can imagine how great that feels for him. Fresh as a flower, in just a half an hour.

Today was pretty was the first day they have ever capped off his trach completely. We have been hearing about the notorious "red cap" for some time, which basically covers up his trach hole so he is forced to breathe through his nose and mouth. In the past he was never quite ready for it because of his secretions or lack of muscle control with swallowing, but today he was able to tolerate it for quite some time. This is great news. We hope that it means his swallow is improving, but the real test will be the "swallow test" which should be happening this week. We are all feeling pretty anxious about it because it will be a major factor in determining his future, medically speaking. If he passes, he's on to eating, drinking, talking, and eventually the removal of his trach all together. If he fails, he could be looking at a lifetime of stomach feedings, limited speech, and all the drama that goes along with the trach in general. So there is a lot at stake. We will be praying our hearts out that he passes his test, and we ask anyone willing to do the same. If I find out a specific time, I'll be sure to get it posted. Please, Lord, let him pass that swallow test!

As far as the service monkey, it's really pretty fascinating. Just as a seeing eye dog assists a blind person, a service monkey works as the 'hands' of a quadriplegic. They're amazing! His monkey would be trained to help with dad's specific needs, opening cabinets, retrieving items, turning the pages of his book...anything that requires dexterity, which dad just doesn't have. How awesome would that be? And who doesn't dream of having a pet monkey? Unless, of course, you're Michael Jackson and you get what ever you want. So hopefully a service monkey will be in dad's future...there's a lot that needs to happen before we can begin the process, so who knows. It sure would be sweet. When we told dad about it last week, he frowned and said, "But I already have a service monkey!" Then he nodded his head in mom's direction. He laughed so hard a loogie flew out of his trach.

At church today, they talked about how God tests us. Not to see us fail, not to watch us squirm, but to see where He falls in order of importance in our lives. Sometimes he takes things away from us, our health, our wealth, our most prized possession, or sometimes people we love, in order to shake our priorities in order. I immediately thought of Pops, and what he's had taken from him....his health, his abilities, his freedom, at times his dignity. And I wonder what I would do in his situation. Do I love God more than my legs? Do I love God more than my freedom? More than my ability to walk, run, move, hug, speak? Could I give up the things that bring me the most pleasure if God asked them of me? Tough questions. It's no fun to be tested, but I know that the sorrow and pain of the test will not be wasted. God wants to be first in our lives. My prayer is that we strive to put him there every day.

To Him be the glory.


Anonymous said...

i am praying that pat's ups are way more than downs; and that the trach is capped way more than not! love, arch (why is it that i get a better visual of stearns and that monkey? with her and a newspaper, saying "shoo!") smile, stearns. i love ya!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


If you didn't have mood swings and if you weren't a jumble of emotion, we would all have cause to worry about you. No matter how strong your faith is the fact remains that your dad, whom you all love to pieces, is lying in a bed just struggling to breath on his own. That is a pretty traumatic turn of events for all of you so a little 'schizophrenia' is a very normal thing. Having said that, the weekend has brought wonderful news of positive progress. A real shower, capping the trach, meeting his grandson for the first time, the prospect of a service monkey - all good.

I can tell you that the AWANA 5th and 6th grade girls and the ABC Bible Quizzing Team are praying up a storm for a successful swallow test this week. I pray for strength for you, your mom and your family as you continue to live and record this amazing story of faith, love and hope.

Stay strong Bohrmans and give your dad a big hug from all of his friends at AWANA and Quizzing.
Lindy Hauber

Chris Stieler said...

Hi Amy,
I bet when you started this whole message board, you had no idea how extensive it would be. But, thank you for letting everyone know how your dad is doing. You have no idea how many lives you are touching. You are a wonderful daughter of both your earthly and heavenly Father! I want to encourage you by saying you are loved and cherished. You are a wonderful example of a faithful daughter. Your family is so great and I am so sorry you have to feel this much pain. We wish we could see God's purposes but someday all the pieces will fall into place. Your dad's color looks good. I pray for him and your family all the time. Give them all our love. Love you, Chris Stieler

Anonymous said...

ROMANS 15:13
linda lentz

Anonymous said...

wait, a serice monkey?? that is so in keeping with this brother in law that has cracked me up for decades :))

bring it on, but i heard they can be a bit stinkey!!!

I can just see the poor thing tailing in the wind, hangin on behind the storm chair :))


Anonymous said...

Amy & the Bohrmans,
As we enter the life of Jesus this week - we see that he, too took a very difficult journey on the road to Calvary. At Gethsemane Jesus fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as YOU will" Matt 26:39 "Above his head they placed the written charge against him: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS" Matt 27:37 The great and powerful sacrifice of the perfect Lamb, Jesus humbles and empowers me to ask in HIS name for strength and a specific healing of Pat's throat muscles and to pass the 'swallow test'. That is my heartfelt prayer for you this week. Amen
In Christ<><
Jenny Fell

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining what a service monkey is. What if God makes our family get a dog? or monkey, for that matter as I can't stand animals? I've gone as far as fish.

Amy, you'd surprise yourself with what you could "give up." When you're in the situation, you become real strong--God will give you the strength. Your mom and dad know what has been taken from me--but I have received so much.

Carla G.

Anonymous said...

The morning light has not reached out here in the west yet, but a prayer has been said for Pat and the swallow test. Your family's journey is continueing to reach many. It is in suffering that we touch hearts we don't and won't ever know until eternity. In Jesus name I pray for the Bohrman's today.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to read that the swallow test went better this time.. but I loved Pat's comment about eating. And how wonderful to see Pat sitting in his chair... and out of the bed....and how neat that he got to meet his newest grandchild. May God continue to Bless your family and help Pat to continue to be an inspiration to others. Happy Easter to all of you.