Thursday, April 12, 2007

Better Than Football

Continued forward progress on the Pops front....slow but steady. Therapy is going pretty well, and dad is taking advantage of finally feeling healthy after months of struggling with one issue or another. On the wall of his room was posted a story he had written himself...the letters are scribbly but certainly legible. I know he gets down about his abilities and how long it takes him to do things, but to see a paragraph he had written was very exciting. His story involved a fair maiden named Jean who lived in a castle with her grandchildren and a handsome prince...hmmmm...vaguely familiar...

It was great to see him trach-free, but since he loses some air through the hole he has to cover his throat with his hand to speak. But he sounds really good. His voice is a little weak, and he needs to take a breath after each sentence, but hopefully he will get stronger. Due to his accident and the damage to his diaphragm, he may never have the voice or breath strength that he used to, but to us he sounds great. His blood sugar has finally stabilized so he no longer needs insulin every day. For him that means no more finger pricks! Yahoo! The doctors still plan to send him home in 2 to 3 weeks, so mom is working on buying an accessible van to make the transition smoother. A sweet ride to go with his sweet chair...

The crazy snowstorm yesterday which began as a headache for me turned into a magical night with my Pops. As I headed to the hospital to stop in and see dad on my way home to Chicago, I spun out on I-94 and 360'd my way across three lanes of traffic without getting hit. A miracle in itself...but it spooked me so bad I told dad I wasn't leaving till the snow stopped. So my expected one hour stop turned into a long night hanging out with Pops...and what a blessing it turned out to be. For the first time ever, dad asked if I would show him the blog, so I followed him to the gym and we hopped on the computer. He has heard about the blog and how it works, but has never quite been ready to face reality and all that has happened to him in the past four months. He was pretty blown away...the pictures of him in the beginning, his very critical condition, all the people that have been reading about him and praying....he just couldn't believe it. He cried...a lot. I kept asking if it was too much, if we should go back to his room, but he said, "No, no, I want to read it." Even I had forgotten much of what he's been through, and it was good to go back and realize just how far he's come. Unbelievable. We only went through a few of the first posts and the most recent, but he really loved it. I think it's good for him, sort of helps the healing process, I suppose. Know that he greatly appreciates the prayers and comments...he was blown away to say the least.

The night only got better...he escorted me down to the cafeteria for dinner (well, I ate and he watched, but it was precious nonetheless) and it hit me harder than I thought it would. I looked around and wanted to yell, "Helllllo, people, yoo hoo! you see me over here?? I am eating dinner with my Pops! you have any idea how amazing this is?" But the general public seemed pretty oblivious to the fact that the cafeteria was offering much more than Swedish meatballs that night. It was offering a slice of 'normalcy' for us as, day by day, we seem to get a little piece of our Pops back. Yes, it's going to be very tough moving back into the real world, but I have never been more sure of God's perfect timing. His absolute, precise, never a second late timing. Mom is still readying the house for dad to move home, but it should be done in about 2-3 weeks. Perfect timing.

I had said goodbye and was leaving dad's room last night when he said, "Ames?"
I stopped and turned around. "Yeah?"
"Better than playing football, right?"
I smiled. "Yeah. Without a doubt, Pops, better than football."

God is smart. Way smart. What a privilege to be used by Him in this way. And how awesome to watch as before our eyes He is turning pain and suffering into something beautiful. God is good.


Anonymous said...


One of your best blogs ever. Definately better than football - I might even go as far as to say better than a strawberry schaumtorte. I am so excited for your dad and his homecoming in two to three weeks. It will be different and it will be frightening for him to not be surrounded by medical professionals who knew what to do as each crisis arose. Well now the crisis's are few and far between and you have all become more comfortable with the day to day changes. Bapa will be with his wife, children, grandchildren and God as always, will be in your house sharing your family's love and laughter. This story does not end here and I, for one, am looking forward to see what God's plans are for all of you in the future. We all rejoice in the good news!
With love, Lindy Hauber

Anonymous said...

Will Jean be done with her cooking lessons in two to three weeks? I'm still fearful that Pat may not pass the swollow test for fear of having to eat Jean's cookin! Just remind him that Wednesday nights are frozen lasanga (From Sam's Club no less)....that's what all quads eat on Wednesday night!

This is all too exciting and we are ever so thankful for all the slow progress he is making. I remember the words sssssllllloooowww when Jason learned to write, brush teeth, feed self...the words slow down and enjoy life take on a new meaning.

Keeping everyone in our prayers...
Van & Patti

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Pat and Amy,
What a week you have had, is it any coincidence that so much progress has happened during the Easter season. He is risen!

I am one of your readers who has been touched daily by your journey and Amy's blog (which is really a devotional)..even when there has been no update, you have been in my prayers and thoughts. When I have had some trials and worries these last months I have thought of you and your family and have drawn my strength as you all have, through the Lord.

God Bless the Bohrmans and may your rides uphill never be alone.
You have touched so many people and reinforced our belief in the power of faith, family and friends.

Sue Johnson said...


Your words are always SO precious. You are such a gifted writer and your dad is lucky to have you chronicling this for him. I love the image of the cafeteria, and the comment about "serving up a slice of normalcy". How absolutely perfectly you help us feel what you are experiencing.

and Pat,
You will never know the full extent to which God has used your experience to touch the lives of others. People who don't even know you have been touched by your family's amazingly REAL faith-- all of the ups AND downs of it.

You are in our daily prayers for continued healing- and for the transitions you will be making in the next few weeks!

Sue, Dan, and Collin

Anonymous said...

What a Great Love between a Father and his Daughter. You two are a picture of how God loves us! Unconditionally, without restraint...asking the world "do you see how special this is"!??
How wonderful is the thought of Pat going home.
Much love to you.
Peppermint Patti

Anonymous said...

Bohrmans......I have read of your journey since day one. It has been a journey for me as well...reading of your struggles and the faith that has overcome your doubts has buoyed my faith! Praise the Lord that Pat has come so far and is actually heading home soon. Eph. 3:20-21 "Now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or Him be the glory...for ever and ever! Amen"

Linda of Leah (Amy's college roommate)

Anonymous said...

Amy & the Bohrmans,
I am crying tears of laughter and joy at your blog for last night. Praise God for HIS provision and continued baby steps....may they be monumental steps from here on out. Thank you Amy, for your transparent emotions and your amazing faith journey. May the risen SAVIOUR continue to encourage and uphold you as you make the transition to home, Bohr. We love you all....

Anonymous said...

Thank you, God, for tears of joy and awe. Thank you Amy and Pat for being God's instruments and teaching me - teaching us all how perfect God's plans always are.

Love, Treva

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy and all......
I just went back and read a few blogs from the beginning of this drama and truly our God is so good!! He definitely has answered the prayer that Pat and Jean prayed the morning of the accident and has shown Himself strong to many people as a result of all of you "living the life of Christ in you the Hope of Glory!!" Thanks for communicating your trials, pain, hope and faith on this blog. Tom thinks you should write a book for more to read. Whatever! We love all of you and will continue to pray.
Marie N.

Anonymous said... life...goodness...amazing future from the past...laughter...excitement...peace...togetherness...relationships...truthfulness...God's word...movin' on...
and wife forever... memories... the Lord !!!...on and on...

love, linda lentz

Anonymous said...

Aunt Pee does the happy dance!!! (think snoopy, like Pat's first Porsche :)

Godspeed for his homecoming...being with his family again will surely bolster him up...he still has much life to live and enjoy!!

love you all...
and thank you, Lord, for healing him as best You could...and that he's still with us at all...thank you thank you thank you...

Tkh said...


Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse of precious, precious moments. It's blogs like this one that give all of us a glimpse of God's glory shining through you all, turning the effects of the fall of man into a thing of beauty, and we say Alleluia and it all goes right back to Him! God IS good ALL the time!

Love, Hubbell

(Amy I'm so grateful you are safe and headed into the hospital to visit your Pops NOT through the ER!)

Anonymous said...

I am a complete stranger to all of you,but heard about you through a friend of yours from PA.
I read this blog about every week or so and sometimes I am afraid when it opens and to read the headline. As a new grandfather myself I can identify with your Pops in many ways and can only imagine how I would react to such a tragedy. But his story has given me much inspiration and a stronger belief and reliance on prayer. Tell him in a strange way "thanks" for showing others the workings of our GOD!

Anonymous said...

We're rejoicing with all of the good news! You're in our thoughts and prayers tonight, right now!

Eleisia & Jimmy