Monday, April 9, 2007

For Sale: Trach, Gently Used

Yes, that's right. The trach is history. Dad got it removed this morning. Yahoo! How great is that? I vote we paint it gold and make it a Christmas ornament. (I just got a mental picture of our hypothetical service monkey climbing to the top of the Christmas tree to place the shiny gold trach at the top. Is that weird? Sounds pretty doable to me.) Anyway, I digress. So now he's left with a dime sized hole in his neck that should heal over pretty quickly. Pretty gross. It's an exciting day, as being trach-free can only be good for dad's health and should guarantee him a passed swallow test in a few weeks. Here's hoping.

He was able to take a cruise with mom and leave the fifth floor for the first time ever yesterday. They went on a tour of the hospital, and mom showed him all the places our family has gotten to know so well...the cafeteria (surprisingly delicious in relation to mom's home cooking), the ICU, even the third floor lounge where we spent many, many hours waiting during surgeries and what not. I guess visiting the ICU was pretty emotional for him, which is surprising since we figured he wouldn't even remember that part of his hospital stay. Mom said that as soon as he entered the big double doors, he just broke down. He even remembered Wayne, who was one of our favorite nurses that took care of him the first month or so. When mom asked how he remembered, dad said he has had dreams about Wayne. It's pretty bizarre what the mind remembers, even though dad doesn't recall any of his first month at the hospital. Anyhow, it was good for dad to see where it all began and take a ride around. And now, without a trach, he's attachment-free and can zoom, zoom, zoom where ever he wants. Woo!

God is good. He continues to bless us with good days and forward progression. It's easy to choose joy on days like these...and even easier to keep a smile on your face. I thank God for the mercy and grace He pours on us...amazing, undeserved, and never ending grace. There are daunting tasks ahead, mainly the whole moving home thing which makes us all pretty anxious, but God didn't bring us this far just to leave us hanging. And we've still got a few weeks left to prepare.

And hopefully just enough time to teach mom how to cook. Ah, who are we kidding? I wonder if the cafeteria delivers...


Anonymous said...

the 'not cooking' must be a courtland street thing! i'm right there w/ ya', stearns! it's not that we can't cook very well, it's just that we can't/don't!!!! ahhhh, but we did make some mean coffee cakes at age 7! and then drank some mean postum w/ them. as for the trach, yahooooooo!!!!! pat sounds like he's really showing vast improvement. so happy for all!

Anonymous said...

God is soooooooo GREAT
Watching the miracle is awesome, Big thank you to the Man up stairs.

Anonymous said...

You can take a cold Wisconsin morning and change it into a beautiful walk on the beach. You amaze me with your words. More amazing is seeing the hand of God on your Father. How the healing process works is totally contolled by our Lord. May the Holy Spirit be free to do His good work in the lifes of the Bohrmans and Fannings!
Peppermint Patti

Anonymous said...

My flesh...will rest in hope.
Psalm 16:9
Praise God. Go Pat. We rejoice with you all.
linda lentz

Anonymous said...

My fondest memory of your mom's "cooking" is when we were sitting around the dining room table on LaBelle. She "dealt" out individually wrapped, sliced American cheese and said...."Dinner!" Still makes me smile! I wonder if the monkey can beat that??? The news gets better and better (: Pray on! O.K.

Anonymous said...

Great news Bohrman's! We're still praying everyday for Pat's continued progress and speedy recovery. What a great guy!!

Love, The Park Ridge Meier's

Anonymous said...

So excited to hear the great news of being trache-free and the continued progress. I keep praying for you all. I will be up to see Bob later this week. Looking forward to rolling the hallways with Bob and looking for hot nurses we can hit on. Who wouldn't want these two beatiful quads?


Jason Hall

Anonymous said...

Praise You, God, for answering prayer. Praise You for doing it in Your time and teaching us to wait patiently for You. (Although, I confess I may not always feel patient.) Praise You, God, for creating friends and neighbors who LOVE to cook for those in need and less fortunate than they. Allelulia, You are restoring Your special child.

I'm still laughing at the mental image I have of a run-away wheel chair with a speed freak at the wheels. Thanks for the joy!

Love, Treva

Anonymous said...

You write very well.