Sunday, March 11, 2007


Dad remains....about the same. Seems like I've been saying that for awhile now. Tomorrow he is having a kidney biopsy to try to determine what's wrong. Because they want his kidneys at their optimum level for the biopsy, he had dialysis both today and yesterday. Depending on what they find, he may need dialysis indefinitely, even if it is sporadic. For the past two weeks, he hasn't needed it, but his kidneys were due for another jump start of sorts. So we'll see what the biopsy brings...

His spirits are good for the most part, but he misses the spinal cord unit where the nurses seem to be better able to deal with his needs...things like secretions and transfers and lip-reading. We don't know when he'll go back upstairs. It all depends on his health.

Overall, he and mom are just plain sick of it all. Sick of the routine, sick of the hospital, sick of the ups and downs, sick of the same thing day in and day out. Who wouldn't be. I can't believe it's been three whole months...Some days they're just sick and tired of it all. Today was one of those days.

Our finite minds have expectations....what we think should be happening...and when. I confess my simplistic belief that after everyone prayed their hearts out for 24 hours, we would see something happen, something tangible, something miraculous. I expected something....and was a little surprised when that something didn't happen.

Thankfully, God doesn't give us what we want just because we ask for it. That's not how He works. If that were true, we'd all be running around like spoiled children only caring about what we can get. We're not rewarded for how many hours we spend praying, and our righteousness doesn't grow exponentially with the number of hours we spend in church. The most important thing about us is not what we do, but what we believe about God.

I believe that He loved the prayer vigil, that He loved each and every conversation had with Him. And I also believe that He wants us to keep praying, to persevere, to keep at it. I believe that He is working in Pops, and there is healing....even if it's not visible to our human eyes. Our expectations are changing. It's not about what we expect from God, but what God expects from us. He expects us to trust, even when we see no "miracles", He wants us to endure, even when we think we can't go another day, and He wants us to believe...especially when things aren't going our way.

Some days, things don't seem to be going our way. But we believe God knows what He's doing. We may not see it yet, but you can bet your biopsy He'll exceed our expectations.


Anonymous said...

beautifully said! beautifully described! and definitely understood! when days are long, mundane, and just plain 'sickening'......just know that, if nothing else, God is soooo in this blog..... it absolutely resonates His presence!

Anonymous said...

Dear Bohrmans-
I met some really wonderful prayer warriors at the prayer vigil and I don't even know their names, but we were praying fervently for complete healing and full recovery for Pat and all your prayer requests. "For although we are walking in the flesh, we do not wage war in a fleshly way, since the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" 2 Cor 10:4-5.
So today, I pray we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and for no fear, doubt, or anxiety to enter our minds. We pray without ceasing for you....

Love in Christ<><

Anonymous said...


Can't imagine what it is like to be you. Moving, switching jobs and blog site manager - how do you keep all of those balls in the air?
Oh - I know - you rely on God to get you through. Isn't He amazing? There are times when my coping skills disapear and I think that I can't possibly handle one more thing (most likely because I often forget to give it all to the Lord and try to do it myself - old habits are hard to break). When I do hand it over to Him, I marvel at how God takes control and little by little all of the problems are handled and solutions are found. I know our precious Lord is rolling up his sleeves for you, your dad and your family right now. Amy you have been and will continue to be an amazing source of strenght for your dad, your mom and your siblings and for the many, many folks like me who continue to lift all of you up to our Lord in prayer. God Bless you,
Lindy Hauber